CMI Associate launches book…
Stuart Copeland launches his new book ‘The People Project Triangle’
Written with co-author Andy Coaton, CMI Associate, Stuart Copeland is delighted to announce the launch of a new book entitled ‘The People Project Triangle’ published by Busi必利勁
ness Expert Press.
The book looks at a topic which has not been written about extensively before. As businesses become increasingly leaner and more cost-conscious so, medium important and medium complex projects seem to be tackled by in-house staff working on them as ‘homework’ or ‘Composite Projects’ alongside their daily duties.
Having not been fully recognised or categorised by many organisations, the new book examines the processes of Composite Projects using both ‘Project Triangle’ and ‘People Project Triangle’ models. It uncovers problems relating to Composite Projects and helps to better understand them in advance of negative issues such as overwork, mounting pressure and burnout.
The book’s theory structures investigate changes to business environments, implications and pressures that affect working processes and what can be done to change these in future. There are a series of chapters designed to provide clear routes for dealing with and mitigating stress relating to poor Composite Project management. These are further reinforced by actual, working case studies.
The authors believe their book will become an invaluable tool for many organisations searching for ways to avoid and better manage stress, pressure and burnout for many years to come. Details of how to purchase ‘The People Project Triangle’ can be found at the links below along with an explanatory video.